Updates on the NeurIPS 2021 Datasets and Benchmarks Track

Joaquin Vanschoren, Maria Xenochristou, and Serena Yeung, Datasets and Benchmarks Chairs

The second round of submissions for the Neural Information Processing Systems 2021 Datasets and Benchmarks Track is open right now. If you have exciting datasets, benchmarks, or ideas to share, we warmly welcome you to submit your work by August 27th (with abstracts due by August 20th).

As announced in our earlier blog post, NeurIPS launched the new Datasets and Benchmarks track, to serve as a venue for exceptional work in creating high-quality datasets, insightful benchmarks, and discussions on how to improve dataset development and data-oriented work more broadly. Submissions are reviewed through OpenReview to facilitate additional public discussion. For more information on the track and submission instructions, please see https://neurips.cc/Conferences/2021/CallForDatasetsBenchmarks.

The accepted papers for the first round are in and we are overwhelmed by the amount and quality of the submissions we received. We would like to thank again all authors who already submitted their work to this track, as well as the reviewers and ACs who contributed to the success of the first round. Below is an overview of the accepted submissions organized by topic. We hope it may serve as inspiration for further amazing work.

For any questions, ideas, and remarks, please contact us at neurips-2021-datasets-benchmarks@googlegroups.com

We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Datasets (General)

Datasets (Text, Language and Speech)

Simulation environments and data generators

Meta-analysis and AI Fairness


Word cloud of the contents of all round 1 accepted submissions
Word cloud of the contents of all round 1 accepted submissions