Communications Chairs 2024
Posts by Alex Lu:
Announcing the NeurIPS 2024 Best Paper Awards
Announcing the NeurIPS 2024 Best Paper Awards
By Marco Cuturi, Danielle Belgrave, Angela Fan, Ulrich Paquet, Jakub Tomczak, Cheng Zhang, Lora Aroyo, Francesco Locatello, Lingjuan Lyu
The search committees for the “Best Paper Award” were nominated by the program chairs and the respective track chairs, who selected leading researchers with a diverse perspective on machine learning topics. These nominations were approved by the general and DIA chairs.
The best paper award committees were tasked with selecting a handful of highly impactful papers from both tracks of the conference. The search committees considered all accepted NeurIPS papers equally, and made decisions independently based on the scientific merit of the papers, without making separate considerations on authorship or other factors, in keeping with the Neurips blind review process.
With that, we are excited to share the news that the best and runner up paper awards this year go to five ground-breaking papers (four main track and one datasets and benchmarks track) that highlight, respectively, a new autoregressive model for vision, new avenues for supervised learning using higher-order derivatives, improved training of LLMs and inference methods for text2image diffusion and a novel diverse benchmark dataset for LLM alignment.
Best papers for the main track:
Visual Autoregressive Modeling: Scalable Image Generation via Next-Scale Prediction
This paper introduces a novel visual autoregressive (VAR) model that iteratively predicts the image at a next higher resolution, rather than a different patch in the image following an arbitrary ordering. The VAR model shows strong results in image generation, outperforming existing autoregressive models in efficiency and achieving competitive results with diffusion-based methods. At the core of this contribution lies an innovative multiscale VQ-VAE implementation. The overall quality of the paper presentation, experimental validation and insights (scaling laws) give compelling reasons to experiment with this model.
Stochastic Taylor Derivative Estimator: Efficient amortization for arbitrary differential operators
This paper proposes a tractable approach to train neural networks (NN) using supervision that incorporates higher-order derivatives. Such problems arise when training physics-informed NN to fit certain PDEs. Naive application of automatic differentiation rules are both inefficient and intractable in practice for higher orders k and high dimensions d. While these costs can be mitigated independently (e.g. for large k but small d, or large d but small k using subsampling) this paper proposes a method, stochastic taylor derivative estimator (STDE) that can address both. This work opens up possibilities in scientific applications of NN and more generally in supervised training of NN using higher-order derivatives.
Runners ups for the main track:
Not All Tokens Are What You Need for Pretraining
This paper presents a simple method to filter pre-training data when training large language models (LLM). The method builds on the availability of a high-quality reference dataset on which a reference language model is trained. That model is then used to assign a quality score for tokens that come from a larger pre-training corpus. Tokens whose scores have the highest rank are then used to guide the final LLM training, while the others are discarded. This ensures that the final LLM is trained on a higher quality dataset that is well aligned with the reference dataset.
Guiding a Diffusion Model with a Bad Version of Itself
This paper proposes an alternative to classifier free guidance (CFG) in the context of text-2-image (T2I) models. CFG is a guidance technique (a correction in diffusion trajectories) that is extensively used by practitioners to obtain better prompt alignment and higher-quality images. However, because CFG uses an unconditional term that is independent from the text prompt, CFG has been empirically observed to reduce diversity of image generation. The paper proposes to replace CFG by Autoguidance, which uses a noisier, less well-trained T2I diffusion model. This change leads to notable improvements in diversity and image quality.
Best paper for Datasets & Benchmarks track:
Alignment of LLMs with human feedback is one of the most impactful research areas of today, with key challenges such as confounding by different preferences, values, or beliefs. This paper introduces the PRISM dataset providing a unique perspective on human interactions with LLMs. The authors collected data from 75 countries with diverse demographics and sourced both subjective and multicultural perspectives benchmarking over 20 current state of the art models. The paper has high societal value and enables research on pluralism and disagreements in RLHF.
Best Paper Award committee for main track: Marco Cuturi (Committee Lead), Zeynep Akata, Kim Branson, Shakir Mohamed, Remi Munos, Jie Tang, Richard Zemel, Luke Zettlemoyer
Best Paper Award committee for dataset and benchmark track: Yulia Gel, Ludwig Schmidt, Elena Simperl, Joaquin Vanschoren, Xing Xie.
Results of the NeurIPS 2024 Experiment on the Usefulness of LLMs as an Author Checklist Assistant for Scientific Papers
Large language models (LLMs) represent a promising but controversial aide in the process of preparing and reviewing scientific papers. Despite risks like inaccuracy and bias, LLMs are already being used in the review of scientific papers. [1,2] Their use raises the pressing question: “How can we harness LLMs responsibly and effectively in the application of conference peer review?”
In an experiment at this year’s NeurIPS, we took an initial step towards answering this question. We evaluated a relatively clear-cut and low-risk use case: vetting paper submissions against submission standards, with results shown only to paper authors. We deployed an optional to use LLM-based “Checklist Assistant” to authors at NeurIPS 2024 as an assistant to check compliance with the NeurIPS Paper Checklist. We then systematically evaluated the benefits and risks of the LLM Checklist Assistant focusing on two main questions:
(1) Do authors perceive an LLM Author Checklist Assistant as a valuable enhancement to the paper submission process?
(2) Does the use of an Author Checklist Assistant meaningfully help authors to improve their paper submissions?
While there are nuances to our results, the main takeaway is that an LLM Checklist Assistant can effectively aid authors in ensuring scientific rigor, but should likely not be used as a fully automated review tool that replaces human review.
Example of checklist questions, answers, and LLM-provided review from the Checklist Assistant.
(1) Did authors find the Checklist Assistant useful?
We administered surveys both before and after use of the Checklist Assistant asking authors about their expectations for and perceptions of the tool. We received 539 responses to the pre-usage survey, 234 submissions to the Checklist Assistant and 78 responses to the post-usage survey.
Authors felt the Checklist Assistant was a valuable enhancement to the paper submission process. The majority of surveyed authors reported a positive experience using the LLM Checklist Assistant: >70% of authors found it useful and >70% said they would modify their paper in response to feedback.
Interestingly, authors’ expectations of the assistant’s effectiveness were even more positive before using it than their assessments after actually using it. Comparing pre- and post-usage responses, there was a statistically significant drop in positive feedback on the “Useful” and “Excited to Use” questions.
Responses to survey questions before and after using checklist verification (n=63 unique responses.)
(2) What were the main issues authors had with the Checklist Assistant?
We also solicited freeform feedback on issues that the authors experienced using the Checklist Assistant, with responses grouped below.
Among the main issues reported by authors in qualitative feedback, the most frequently cited problems were inaccuracy (20/52 respondents) and that the LLM was too strict in its requirements (14/52 respondents).
Reported issues using checklist verification from freeform feedback on post-usage survey (n=52 out of 78 total survey responses.)
(3) What kinds of feedback did the Checklist Assistant provide?
We used another LLM to extract key points from the Checklist Assistant’s responses for each question on the paper checklist and to cluster these points into overarching categories. Below we show the most frequent categories of feedback given by the Author Checklist Assistant on four questions of the checklist:
Clustering of most common types of feedback given by the LLM Checklist Assistant on four checklist questions.
The LLM was able to give concrete feedback to authors grounded in the content of their paper and checklist. The LLM tended to provide 4-6 distinct and specific points of feedback per question across the 15 questions. While it tended to give some generic boilerplate as part of its responses and to expand the scope of questions, it also was capable of giving concrete and specific feedback for many questions.
(4) Did authors actually modify their submissions?
Authors reported in freeform survey responses reflect that they planned to make meaningful changes to their submissions—35/78 survey respondents provided specific modifications they would make to their submissions in response to the Checklist Assistant. This included improving justifications for checklist answers and adding more details to the paper about experiments, datasets, or compute resources.
In 40 instances, authors submitted their paper twice to the checklist verifier (accounting for 80 total paper submissions.) We find that of the 40 pairs of papers, in 22 instances authors changed at least one answer in their checklist (e.g., ‘NA’ to ‘Yes’) between the first and second submission and in 39 instances they changed at least one justification for a checklist answer. Of the authors who changed justifications on their paper checklist, many authors made a large number of changes, with 35/39 changing more than 6 justifications of the 15 questions on the checklist. While we cannot causally attribute these changes to the Checklist Assistant, they suggest that authors may have incorporated feedback from the assistant in between submissions.
Below, we show (multiplicative) increase in word count between initial submission and final submission on questions where authors changed justifications (a value of 2 corresponds to a doubling of the length of an answer). We find that over half the time when authors changed a checklist answer, they more than doubled the length of their justification.
Change in word count of authors’ checklist responses between first and second submission to the Checklist Assistant. Over half the time, authors more than doubled the length of their checklist response.
In summary:
When authors submitted to the Checklist Assistant multiple times they almost always made changes to their checklists between submissions and significantly lengthened their answers, suggesting that they may have added content in response to LLM feedback.
(5) Can the Checklist Assistant be gamed?
The intended use of our Checklist Assistant was to help authors improve their papers, not to serve as a tool for reviewers to verify the accuracy of authors’ responses. If the system were used as an automated verification step as part of a review process, this could introduce an incentive for authors to “game” the system motivating the following question: could authors automatically improve the evaluations of their checklist responses with the help of AI, without making actual changes to their paper? If such gaming were possible, authors could provide a false impression of compliance to a conference without (much) additional effort and without actually improving their papers.
To assess whether our system is vulnerable to such gaming, we employed another LLM as an attack agent to iteratively manipulate the checklist justifications, aiming to deceive the Checklist Assistant. In this iterative process, the attack agent receives feedback from the system after each round and uses it to refine its justifications. We provided GPT-4o with the initial checklist responses and instructed it to revise the justifications based solely on feedback, without altering the underlying content of the paper. We allowed the attack agent to do this for three iterations (reflecting the submission limit on our deployed assistant), with the agent selecting the highest scored response for each checklist question over the iterations.
To statistically quantify how attack success we submitted the selected justification to our Checklist Assistant for an evaluation “Score” (1 when the Checklist Assistant said the checklist question had “No Issues” and 0 when the Assistant identified issues.) Below we show the results of this attack:
Authors could adversarially improve their chance of passing an automated LLM Checklist review by modifying their checklist without modifying their paper: on 14 out of 15 questions our simple adversarial attack shows a score increase when comparing the unchanged justifications with those refined through three iterations of automated improvement.
In a manual examination of the changes made by the (attacker) LLM to the justifications, we found that the attacker LLM employed several illegitimate strategies, such as adding a hardware description that was not present in the paper or original justifications and generating a placeholder URL as a purported repository for the code. These illegitimate justifications were evaluated as adequate by the Checklist Assistant.
Our deployment of an LLM-based paper Checklist Assistant at NeurIPS 2024 demonstrated that LLMs hold potential in enhancing the quality of scientific submissions by assisting authors in validating whether their papers meet submission standards. However, our study points to notable limitations in deploying LLMs within the scientific peer review process that need to be addressed, in particular accuracy and alignment issues. Further, our system was not robust to gaming by authors, suggesting that while a Checklist Assistant could be useful as an aid to authors it may be a poor substitute for human review. NeurIPS will continue to build on its LLM Policy Reviews for 2025.
For more details, see the full paper:
For questions or suggestions, please contact us at:
[1] Liang et al., Monitoring AI-Modified Content at Scale: A Case Study on the Impact of ChatGPT on AI Conference Peer Reviews, 2024.
[2] Latona et al., The AI Review Lottery: Widespread AI-Assisted Peer Reviews Boost Paper Scores and Acceptance Rates, 2024.
Documentary Filming at NeurIPS 2024
72 Windfall Films will be filming at NeurIPS 2024 for a feature documentary about AI. This (filming) is a first-time experiment at NeurIPS, and any other filming is not permitted.
The team will be filming the poster sessions on the afternoon of Wednesday Dec 11, and they may also film a small number of other events (which we will also announce ahead of filming). The areas will be clearly marked with signs that contain the following info:
It is possible that you will be included in general shots of the conference. If you don’t want to appear in the programme, please contact Zara Powell at or +44 7557771061 immediately.
You can also find this info here:
For any feedback about this filming, please contact the NeurIPS Communication Chairs at
Announcing the NeurIPS 2024 Test of Time Paper Awards
By Danielle Belgrave, Angela Fan, Ulrich Paquet, Jakub Tomczak, Cheng Zhang
We are honored to announce the Test of Time Paper Awards for NeurIPS 2024. This award is intended to recognize papers published 10 years ago at NeurIPS 2014 that have significantly shaped the research field since then, standing the test of time.
This year, we are making an exception to award two Test of Time papers given the undeniable influence of these two papers on the entire field. The awarded papers are:
- Generative Adversarial Nets
Ian Goodfellow, Jean Pouget-Abadie, Mehdi Mirza, Bing Xu, David Warde-Farley, Sherjil Ozair, Aaron Courville, Yoshua Bengio - Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks
Ilya Sutskever, Oriol Vinyals, Quoc V. Le
The Generative Adversarial Nets paper has been cited more than 85,000 times as of this blog post. It is one of the foundational pieces for generative modeling and has inspired numerous research advances in the past 10 years. Besides research, it has also enabled generative modeling to make an impact in a diverse range of applications, considering vision data and other domains.
Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks has been cited more than 27,000 times as of this blog post. With the current fast advances of large language models and foundation models in general, making a paradigm shift in AI and applications, the field has benefited from the foundation laid by this work. It is the cornerstone work that set the encoder-decoder architecture, inspiring later attention-based improvements leading to today’s foundation model research.
There is no doubt regarding the significance of these two works.
At NeurIPS, you will see both papers presented by the authors in person, followed by a short Q&A on Friday, December 13th, 2024. We look forward to announcing other NeurIPS awards at the conference!
NeurIPS2024 November Newsletter
Welcome to the November edition of the NeurIPS monthly Newsletter! NeurIPS2024 is around the corner. It will be held in Vancouver in less than a month, from Tuesday, Dec 10 to Sunday, Dec 15, 2024.
The NeurIPS Newsletter aims to provide an easy way to keep up to date with NeurIPS events and planning progress, respond to requests for feedback and participation, and find information about new initiatives.
You are receiving this newsletter as per your subscription preferences in your NeurIPS profile. As you prepare to attend NeurIPS, we hope that you will find the following information valuable. To unsubscribe from the NeurIPS newsletter, unselect the “Subscribe to Newsletter” checkbox in your profile: To update your email preference, visit:
Newsletter includes:
- NeurIPS 2024 Conference Schedule
- NeurIPS 2024 Workshops
- NeurIPS 2024 Tutorials
- NeurIPS 2024 Affinity Events
- Bridging the Future Affinity Workshop
- NeurIPS Town Hall Details
- NeurIPS Highschool Projects Results
- Poster Printing Service
- Childcare and Other Amenities
- Reminder About Conference Dates
1) NeurIPS 2024 Conference Schedule
The details are posted on the conference website.
2) NeurIPS 2024 Workshops
NeurIPS 2024 workshops will take place on Dec. 14 & 15. We received 204 total submissions — a significant increase from last year. From this great batch of submissions, we have accepted 56 workshops. Given the exceptional quality of submissions this year, we wish we could have accepted many more, but we could not due to logistical constraints. We want to thank everyone who put in tremendous effort in submitting a workshop proposal. For a list of accepted workshops, refer to our blog post here.
3) NeurIPS 2024 Tutorials
The NeurIPS 2024 tutorials will be held on Tuesday, Dec 10. There will be 14 tutorials this year. All of them will be conducted in person to encourage active participation and some of them include panels to allow for a diverse range of discussion. For a list of accepted tutorials and their speakers, refer to our blog post here.
4) NeurIPS 2024 Affinity Events
We are excited to announce this year’s affinity events co-located with NeurIPS. At NeurIPS, affinity groups play a crucial role in promoting and supporting the ideas and voices of various communities that are defined by some axis of joint identity and raise awareness of issues that affect their members. In addition, they provide members of these affinity groups with increased opportunities to showcase their work, engage in discussions, and build connections during NeurIPS events, promoting diversity and inclusion at NeurIPS. For more information, please visit the Affinity Events Blog Post.
5) Bridging the Future
In this event, we will cover recent activities towards broadening participation activities in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. NeurIPS has recently provided support to several groups active in this space, and in this event, they will describe their efforts and results. The event will take place on Thursday, December 12 at 7:30 pm in room East MR 18. Join us to learn about their ongoing project to better support their communities and the world. Light snacks and drinks will be served. See details here.
6) NeurIPS Town Hall Details
NeurIPS invites all attendees to our annual Town Hall, which will occur in person at the conference on Friday, December 13th at 7 PM this year. The NeurIPS Town Hall provides community members with an opportunity to hear updates and ask questions about the conference. The town hall lasts for an hour, with the first 30 minutes dedicated to presentations from various chairs and the last 30 minutes dedicated to an open Q&A from the community.
7) Announcing the NeurIPS High School Projects Results
We are thrilled to announce the results of the first call for NeurIPS High School Projects. With a theme of machine learning for social impact, this track was launched to get the next generation excited and thinking about how ML can benefit society, to encourage those already pursuing research on this topic, and to amplify that work through interaction with the NeurIPS community.
In total, we received 330 project submissions from high schoolers around the globe. Among those, 21 projects were chosen to be spotlighted and 4 were chosen as award winners. We congratulate all of the students and encourage community members to attend the joint poster session on Tuesday, December 10, where representatives of the four award-winning projects will present their work. For the details refer to this blog post.
8) Poster Printing Service
Read the NeurIPS poster printing information page for additional insight and information about templates, virtual poster and paper thumbnails, poster sizes, and printing.
You can use any service you want to print your poster. We offer an optional poster printing service.
9) Childcare and Other Amenities
NeurIPS is proud to provide free on-site child care. The deadline for registration has passed and it is now at capacity. We invite everyone to review the Child attendance policy here.
We kindly request that all attendees adhere to our child attendance policy by refraining from bringing children under the age of 14 to the venue unless they are registered in the childcare program.
Other amenities will include a nursing room and first aid.
10) Reminder About the Conference Dates
As already announced multiple times, the conference start date has been changed to Tuesday, December 10 in order to support delegates arriving on Monday for the Tuesday morning sessions. Registration will now open on Monday from 1 pm to 6 pm. Tutorials remain on Tuesday as originally scheduled. We encourage all attendees to verify dates directly on our website ( to avoid confusion.
11) NeurIPS EXPO
This year’s NeurIPS features an exciting lineup of 56 Expo events across December 10th-11th. This includes 18 interactive demonstrations on Tuesday, December 10th, along with 26 talk panels and 12 workshops spread across both days. Grab a coffee or box lunch and engage in an EXPO talk or workshop. Demos will be available on the exhibit sponsor hall floor.
Thanks and looking forward to seeing you at the conference.
Amir Globerson & Lester Mackey
NeurIPS 2024 General Chairs
Announcing the NeurIPS High School Projects Results
We are thrilled to announce the results of the first call for NeurIPS High School Projects. With a theme of machine learning for social impact, this track was launched to get the next generation excited and thinking about how ML can benefit society, to encourage those already pursuing research on this topic, and to amplify that work through interaction with the NeurIPS community.
In total, we received 330 project submissions from high schoolers around the globe. Among those, 21 projects were chosen to be spotlighted and 4 were chosen as award winners. We congratulate all of the students and encourage community members to attend the joint poster session on Tuesday December 10, where representatives of the four award-winning projects will present their work.
Award-winning Projects
ALLocate: A Low-Cost Automatic Artificial Intelligence System for the Real-Time Localization and Classification of Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Bone Marrow Smears
Ethan Yan, Groton School, MA, USA
Abstract: Accurate leukemia detection in current clinical practice remains challenging due to limitations in cost, time, and medical experience. To address this issue, this research develops the first integrated low-cost automatic artificial intelligence system for the real-time localization and classification of acute myeloid leukemia in bone marrow smears named ALLocate. This system consists of an automatic microscope scanner, an image sampling system, and a deep learning-based localization and classification system. A region classifier using a convolutional neural network (CNN) model was developed to select usable regions from unusable blood and clot regions. For real-time detection, the YOLOv8 model was developed and optimized. These models show high performance with a region classifier accuracy of 96% and YOLOv8 mAP of 91%. In addition, a low-cost automatic microscope scanner system was developed using 3D-printed pieces controlled by stepper motors and a programmed Arduino-based RAMPS control board. When ALLocate was applied to marrow smears, its leukemia detection results were similar to results from a doctor but were produced much faster. This is the first report to integrate a deep learning system with a low-cost microscope scanner system for leukemia detection with high performance, which can benefit small community practices and clinics in underserved areas, making healthcare more accessible and affordable to all.
Image Classification on Satellite Imagery For Sustainable Rainwater Harvesting Placement in Indigenous Communities of Northern Tanzania
Roshan Taneja and Yuvraj Taneja, Sacred Heart Preparatory, CA, USA
Abstract: In the remote regions of Northern Tanzania, women and children of the Maasai Tribe walk nine hours a day to collect water. Over four years, collaborative efforts with the Maasai communities have led to the installation of water harvesting units, enhancing the local socio-economic conditions by facilitating educational opportunities and economic pursuits for over 4,000 individuals. This project is a novel approach to integrating satellite data and image classification to identify densely populated areas marked by uniquely shaped Maasai homes. It will also use density maps to plan the best placement of rainwater harvesting units to help 30,000 Maasai. The backbone of this project was developing an image classification model trained on 10,000 hand-selected satellite image samples of Bomas (Maasai living units). This model generated a density heat map, enabling strategically placing rainwater harvesting units in the most critical locations to maximize impact. The project underscores the use of satellite technology and machine learning to address humanitarian needs such as water, particularly in harder-to-reach areas with no infrastructure.
Multimodal Representation Learning using Adaptive Graph Construction
Weichen Huang, St. Andrew’s College, Ireland
Abstract: Multimodal contrastive learning trains neural networks by leveraging data from heterogeneous sources such as images and text. Yet, many current multimodal learning architectures cannot generalize to an arbitrary number of modalities and need to be hand-constructed. We propose AutoBIND, a novel contrastive learning framework that can learn representations from an arbitrary number of modalities through graph optimization. We evaluate AutoBIND on Alzhiemer’s disease detection because it has real-world medical applicability and it contains a broad range of data modalities. We show that AutoBIND outperforms previous methods on this task, highlighting the generalizablility of the approach
PumaGuard: AI-enabled targeted puma mitigation
Aditya Viswanathan, Adis Bock, Zoe Bent, Tate Plohr, Suchir Jha, Celia Pesiri, Sebastian Koglin, and Phoebe Reid, Los Alamos High School, NM, USA
Abstract: We have trained a machine learning classification algorithm to detect mountain lions from trail cam images. This algorithm will be part of a targeted mitigation tool to deter mountain lions from attacking livestock at the local stables. Our algorithm that uses the Xception algorithm is 99% accurate in training, 91% accurate on validation and successful in identifying mountain lions at the stables.
Spotlighted Projects
Diagnosing Tuberculosis Through Digital Biomarkers Derived From Recorded Coughs
Sherry Dong, Skyline High School, MI, USA
GeoAgent: Precise Worldwide Multimedia Geolocation with Large Multimodal Models
Tianrui Chen, Shanghai Starriver Bilingual School, China
INAVI: Indoor Navigation Assistance for the Visually Impaired
Krishna Jaganathan, Waubonsie Valley High School, IL, USA
Implementing AI-driven Techniques for Monitoring Bee activities in Hives
Tahmine Dehghanmnashadi, Shahed Afshar High School for Girls, Iran
AquaSent-TMMAE: A Self-Supervised Learning Method for Water Quality Monitoring
Cara Lee, Woodside Priory School, CA, USA; Andrew Kan, Weston High School, MA, USA; and Christopher Kan, Noble and Greenough School, MA, USA
AAVENUE: Detecting LLM Biases on NLU Tasks in AAVE via a Novel Benchmark
Abhay Gupta, John Jay Senior High School, NY, USA; Philip Meng, Phillips Academy, MA, USA; and Ece Yurtseven, Robert College, Turkey
FireBrake: Optimal Firebreak Placements for Active Fires using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Aadi Kenchammana, Saint Francis High School, CA, USA
Vision-Braille: An End-to-End Tool for Chinese Braille Image-to-Text Translation
Alan Wu, The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China, China
Advancing Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis: A Deep Learning Approach using Vision Transformer Models
Rhea Shah, Illinos Mathematics & Science Academy, IL, USA
LocalClimaX: Increasing Regional Accuracy in Transformer-Based Mid-Range Weather Forecasts
Roi Mahns and Ayla Mahns, Antilles High School, Puerto Rico, USA
HypeFL: A Novel Blockchain-Based Architecture for a Fully-Connected Autonomous Vehicle System using Federated Learning and Cooperative Perception
Mihika A. Dusad and Aryaman Khanna, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, VA, USA
Robustness Evaluation for Optical Diffraction Tomography
Warren M. Xie, Singapore American School, Singapore
Translating What You See To What You Do: Multimodal Behavioral Analysis for Individuals with ASD
Emily Yu, Pittsford Mendon High School, NY, USA
SignSpeak: Open-Source Time Series Classification for ASL Translation
Aditya Makkar, Divya Makkar, and Aarav Patel, Turner Fenton Secondary School, ON, Canada
SeeSay: An Assistive Device for the Visually Impaired Using Retrieval Augmented Generation
Melody Yu, Sage Hill School, CA, USA
Predicting Neurodevelopmental Disorders in rs-fMRI via Graph-in-Graph Neural Networks
Yuhuan Fan, The Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University, China
Realistic B-mode Ultrasound Image Generation from Color Flow Doppler using Deep Learning Image-to-Image Translation
Sarthak Jain Silver Creek High School, CA, USA
NeurIPS 2024 Registration Changes
Registration for NeurIPS 2024 has exceeded our initial expectations. To ensure that authors of accepted conference and workshop papers are given priority, we are transitioning from our usual first-come-first-serve registration model to a randomized lottery system, effective immediately. While we are currently reserving spots for all conference and workshop paper authors, this may change as the conference approaches and we open up remaining slots to the lottery, so we urge authors to register as soon as possible to guarantee their spot. To register, please use our registration page: If you are an author on a conference or workshop paper, registration will be open to you. Otherwise, you will be re-directed to our lottery system.
If you have an accepted main conference or workshop paper and are still redirected to the lottery, please attempt the following troubleshooting steps:
- You may have multiple accounts, and you are not logged onto the one that is linked to your paper. Log onto the correct account.
- You have a workshop paper, but the organizers of the workshop have not imported their papers. Please wait for the workshop organizers to do so and contact them with any inquiries.
- Your profile does not contain a first name, last name, and institution. Please update this information.
NeurIPS 2024 October Newsletter
Welcome to the October edition of the NeurIPS monthly Newsletter!
The NeurIPS Newsletter aims to provide an easy way to keep up to date with NeurIPS events and planning progress, respond to requests for feedback and participation, and find information about new initiatives. Notably, this newsletter will focus on NeurIPS 2024, held in Vancouver, from Tuesday, Dec 10 to Sunday, Dec 15, 2024.
You are receiving this newsletter as per your subscription preferences in your NeurIPS profile. As you prepare to attend NeurIPS, we hope that you will find the following information valuable. To unsubscribe from the NeurIPS newsletter, unselect the “Subscribe to Newsletter” checkbox in your profile: To update your email preference, visit:
Newsletter includes:
- Introducing the NeurIPS 2024 Tutorials
- Announcing the NeurIPS 2024 Affinity Events
- NeurIPS Town Hall Scheduled
- Live streaming at Pinnacle Hotel Waterfront
- Poster Information and Printing Service
- Childcare and and Other Amenities
- Dietary Restrictions
- Conference Dates and NeurIPS EXPO
1) Introducing the NeurIPS 2024 Tutorials
The NeurIPS 2024 tutorials will be held on Tuesday, Dec 10. There will be 14 tutorials this year. All of them will be conducted in person to encourage active participation and some of them include panels to allow for a diverse range of discussion. For a list of accepted tutorials and their speakers, refer to our blog post here.
2) Announcing the NeurIPS 2024 Affinity Events
We are excited to announce this year’s affinity events co-located with NeurIPS. At NeurIPS, affinity groups play a crucial role in promoting and supporting the ideas and voices of various communities that are defined by some axis of joint identity and raise awareness of issues that affect their members. In addition, they provide members of these affinity groups with increased opportunities to showcase their work, engage in discussions, and build connections during NeurIPS events, promoting diversity and inclusion at NeurIPS. For more information, please visit the Affinity Events Website.
3) NeurIPS Town Hall Scheduled
The NeurIPS Town Hall will be held on Friday December 13th at 7 PM this year, before the closing reception. The Town Hall provides community members with an opportunity to hear updates and ask questions about the conference and its organisation. The town hall lasts for an hour, with the first 30 minutes dedicated to presentations from various chairs and the last 30 minutes dedicated to an open Q&A from the community.
4) Live streaming at Pinnacle Hotel Waterfront
NeurIPS 2024 is partnering with the Pinnacle Hotel Waterfront to provide live streaming of the Invited Speaker talks. Attendees staying at the Pinnacle Hotel can enjoy the talks from the hotel itself, in the Harbourfront Ballroom. To access this room, attendees will need to show their room key and NeurIPS badge. Complimentary snacks and coffee will be provided.
Talks streamed at the Pinnacle:
Wednesday, December 11 at 8:30am, Sepp Hochreiter
Wednesday, December 11 at 2:30pm, Fei Fei Li
Thursday, December 12 at 8:30am, Zhou Lidong
Thursday, December 12 at 2:30pm, Arnaud Doucet
Friday, December 13 at 8:30am, Danica Kragic
Friday, December 13 at 2:30pm Rosalind Picard
Note: The Tuesday, December 10th talk with Alison Gopnik may be seen at the VCC, West level 0, Hall C or streamed from your mobile device.
5) Poster Presentation and Printing Service
An email with the subject “NeurIPS 2024 Update Poster Presentation Details” has been sent to all authors. If an author has not received the email they should check their spam folder and/or check that the email on their account at NeurIPS is the correct email address with this link (
Read the NeurIPS poster printing information page for additional insight and information about templates, virtual poster and paper thumbnails, poster sizes and printing.
You can use any service you want to print your poster. We offer an optional poster printing service.
6) Childcare and and Other Amenities
NeurIPS is proud to provide free on-site child care. Please register before the Nov 8th at 5 pm PST deadline and familiarise yourself with the cancelation policy to avoid no-show fees. For details and how to register visit:
Other amenities will include a nursing room and first aid.
7) Dietary Restrictions
Dietary restrictions should be updated in each registration profile by November 1. After November 1, we are unable to guarantee supporting dietary restrictions. We will do our best to still accommodate you if you have not met the deadline date, but we cannot guarantee.
8) Conference Dates and NeurIPS EXPO
The conference start date has been changed to Tuesday December 10 in order to support delegates arriving on Monday for the Tuesday morning sessions. Registration will now open on Monday from 1 pm to 6 pm. Tutorials remain on Tuesday as originally scheduled. We encourage all attendees to verify dates directly on our website ( to avoid confusion.
This year’s NeurIPS features an exciting lineup of 56 Expo events across December 10th-11th. This includes 18 interactive demonstrations on Tuesday December 10th, along with 26 talk panels and 12 workshops spread across both days. Grab a coffee or box lunch and engage in an EXPO talk or workshop. Demos will be available on the exhibit sponsor hall floor.
Thanks and looking forward to seeing you at the conference.
Amir Globerson & Lester Mackey
NeurIPS 2024 General Chairs
Announcing the NeurIPS 2024 Affinity Events
By Ioana Bica, Nezihe Merve Gürel
We are excited to announce this year’s affinity events co-located with NeurIPS.
What are affinity groups?
At NeurIPS, affinity groups play a crucial role in promoting and supporting the ideas and voices of various communities that are defined by some axis of joint identity and raise awareness of issues that affect their members. In addition, they provide members of these affinity groups with increased opportunities to showcase their work, engage in discussions, and build connections during NeurIPS events, promoting diversity and inclusion at NeurIPS.
The main goals of affinity events are to increase visibility of the work done by the members of the affinity group, enable them to interact and discuss topics that are unique to each affinity group, encourage affinity group members to showcase their work and step into the NeurIPS community. In contrast to regular workshops, affinity group workshops adopt a more open and flexible approach around topic area, focusing on forming research communities within the affinity groups and bringing attention to the unique challenges faced by their members.
Additionally, affinity group socials serve as safe and welcoming spaces, allowing members to interact, socialize, and network in an inclusive environment. By fostering such social gatherings, NeurIPS supports the creation of a supportive community that values diversity and ensures that all voices are heard and valued.
What kind of events do affinity groups offer at conferences?
Affinity groups organize events with the main aim to encourage people to showcase their work and step into the NeurIPS community. The affinity events at NeurIPS this year will take place throughout the conference week. See below the details for when each affinity event will take place. NeurIPS will offer streaming support for all the in-person components of the affinity groups.
What can NeurIPS attendees do to support affinity groups?
Participate! Actively attending and participating in panels and sessions for discussions about issues that are relevant to the affinity groups goes a long way in helping promote their cause. We request all members of our community to participate actively!
Affinity groups at NeurIPS 2024
We are delighted to announce the following affinity groups at NeurIPS 2024. Find out more below about their mission and the event they are organizing!
Indigenous in AI/ML
Indigenous In AI’s vision is to build an international community of Native, Aboriginal, and First Nations who will collectively transform their home communities with advanced technology. By elevating the voices of Indigenous ML researchers we will inspire future impactful work and break stereotypes. Additionally, this group will strive to educate the broader NeurIPS on contemporary indigenous issues relevant to information technology and practices. For more information, please visit the Indigenous in AI website.
Muslims in ML
The Muslims in ML workshop aims to explore the intersection of machine learning, fairness, and the global Muslim community. It recognizes the potential of AI and ML to bring positive changes but also acknowledges existing barriers and biases that may perpetuate unfairness against Muslims. The workshop, now in its 3rd edition, aims to bring together diverse experts and perspectives to examine challenges and opportunities in integrating AI/ML in the lives of Muslims and those in Muslim-majority countries. It will showcase research by Muslim scholars in ML and highlight work addressing challenges faced by the Muslim community. The workshop provides a safe space for open discussions and social activities. It adopts an inclusive approach that considers cultural association and proximity to the Muslim identity, emphasising the importance of understanding the complexity and diversity within the Muslim community. The workshop seeks to promote awareness, collaboration, and mitigation strategies to ensure fair and equitable implementation of AI/ML technologies for Muslims worldwide. For more information, please visit the Muslims in ML website.
New in ML workshop
The NewInML workshop is dedicated to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for emerging researchers in the ML community, with a strong belief that great innovations can arise from students of diverse backgrounds. We have extended our audience to include students at all levels, recognizing the diverse needs of those early in their journey as well as those transitioning within their careers. By offering a platform that spans a broad spectrum of topics—from hands-on sessions to frontier discussions—the workshop provides essential guidance to help participants contribute effectively to the field. Our goal is to build a more inclusive ML community by mentoring attendees, refining their research skills, and empowering them to make meaningful contributions, whether in academia or industry. NewInML workshop will take place Tuesday December 10th. More information can be found on the Workshop’s website.
Neurodivergent Community
The Neurodiversity Workshop will gather the Neurodiverse community to engage on leading research in the space and launch a competition to inspire additional research. The Workshop will be led by expertise from Michigan State University, MIT, Princeton, and more. The Workshop will occur on Thursday December 12 at 12pm Pacific Time. More information can be found on the Workshop’s website.
Global South in AI
Global South in AI (GSAI) was born in 2022 to solve the lack of inclusion and representation of the Global South in artificial intelligence ecosystems, especially the myriad rich vastness of culture and languages lived, spoken by millions of humans, and not just those with access and privilege. GSAI stands as counterbalance to a western lens focused pass-through of all language translation in LLMs and the impact of such homogenization on the global south. We do this through multiple projects that help local researchers who are already working on including their local culture and language in AI to build low resource datasets and empower their community in AI literacy. We also host annual multidisciplinary academic meetups co-located with NeurIPS, with the highest ethical standards for a diverse and inclusive community in order to promote the exchange of research achievements in Language artificial intelligence and machine learning. Please check our website and connect with us on LinkedIn. Our workshop date this year is Dec 10th, 10AM to 3PM at NeurIPS in Vancouver Canada. Details will be announced soon.
Women in ML
The goals and activities of WiML are to
- Highlight the work of researchers in machine learning who are women or non-binary,
- Give them a chance to meet, encourage technical discussion, and future collaboration,
- Give junior researchers an opportunity to present their work to their peers as well as senior members of the community.
The workshop plans to feature speakers who are women or nonbinary to give talks on their research, organize mentorship sessions to discuss relevant topics, and encourage networking. It will encourage and foster research conversations and help participants develop collaboration opportunities. There will also be poster sessions for participants to present a broader array of work and exchange feedback. The workshop will take place on Tuesday, December 10. For more information, please visit the Women in ML website.
Queer in AI
The Queer in AI workshop and social events at NeurIPS 2024 aim to create a vibrant and inclusive space that brings together queer students, researchers, and practitioners from across the globe to critically examine the impact of AI on the LGBTQIA* community, while fostering a sense of belonging among participants. The workshop aspires to build a strong network of queer individuals, enable discussions at the intersection of AI and queer identities, and tackle issues of discrimination within the tech industry and society at large.
The Queer in AI workshop is dedicated to advancing equitable AI practices and contributing to a future where technology serves the needs of all communities. The workshop is committed to advocating for a more ethically grounded approach to AI development, ensuring that diverse voices are heard and valued in conversations about the future of technology. For further details, please visit the Queer in AI website.
LatinX in AI
LatinX in AI (LXAI) bridges communities, academics, industry, and politicians working to further AI innovation and resources for LatinX individuals globally. We drive and support research, development, infrastructure, and mentoring programs to boost innovation and capabilities of LatinX professionals working in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science.
The 7th Annual Latinx in AI Research workshop will be held on December 10th, 2024 and will embrace a hybrid format, welcoming attendees both onsite and virtually. The workshop is a one-day event with invited speakers, oral presentations, and posters. The event brings together faculty, graduate students, research scientists, and engineers for an opportunity to connect and exchange ideas. There will be a panel discussion and a mentoring session to discuss current research trends and career choices in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. While all presenters will identify primarily as LatinX, all are invited to attend. For further details, please visit the Latinx in AI website.
Black in AI
Black in AI aims to shift the power dynamic in the field of artificial intelligence by broadening the range of voices contributing to the development, deployment, and regulation of AI technologies – to ensure that our community members are full partners in affirming their technological and economic futures. NeurIPS, being one of the largest AI research conferences, offers a valuable opportunity for researchers in the community to stay updated on the latest research and expand their network. Since its inception in 2017, many participants of the Black in AI Workshop have walked away from their experience at NeurIPS with internship offers, graduate program advisors, mentorships, and renewed energy to continue working in the field. The workshop remains committed to bridging the gap between researchers of African descent and the AI community at large. For more information, please visit the Black in AI website.
By Yixuan Even Xu, Fei Fang, Jakub Tomczak, Cheng Zhang, Zhenyu Sherry Xue, Ulrich Paquet, Danielle Belgrave
Paper assignment is crucial in conference peer review as we need to ensure that papers receive high-quality reviews and reviewers are assigned papers that they are willing and able to review. Moreover, it is essential that a paper matching process mitigates potential malicious behavior. The default paper assignment approach used in previous years of NeurIPS is to find a deterministic maximum-quality assignment using linear programming. This year, for NeurIPS 2024, as a collaborative effort between the organizing committee and researchers from Carnegie Mellon University, we experimented with a new assignment algorithm [1] that introduces randomness to improve robustness against potential malicious behavior, as well as enhance reviewer diversity and anonymity, while maintaining most of the assignment quality.
How did the algorithm do compared to the default assignment algorithm? We compare the randomized assignment calculated by the new algorithm to that calculated from the default algorithm. We measure various randomness metrics [1], including maximum assignment probability among all paper-reviewer pairs, the average of maximum assignment probability to any reviewer per paper, L2 norm, entropy, and support size, i.e., the number of paper-reviewer pairs that could be assigned with non-zero probability. As expected, the randomized algorithm was able to introduce a good amount of randomness while ensuring the overall assignment quality is of the default assignment. We show the computed metrics in the table below. Here, ↑ indicates that a higher value is better, and ↓ indicates that a lower value is better.
Also, one key takeaway from our analysis is that it is important for all the reviewers to complete their OpenReview profile and bid actively to get high-quality assignments. In fact, among all reviewers who bid “High” or “Very High” for at least one paper, of them got assigned a paper that they bid “High” or “Very High” on.
In the rest of this post, we introduce the details of the algorithm, explain how we implemented it, and analyze the deployed assignment for NeurIPS 2024.
The Algorithm
The assignment algorithm we used is Perturbed Maximization (PM) [1], a work published at NeurIPS 2023. To introduce the algorithm, we first briefly review the problem setting of paper assignment in peer review as well as the default algorithm used in previous years.
Problem Setting and Default Algorithm
In a standard paper assignment setting, a set of papers needs to be assigned to a set of reviewers. To ensure each paper receives enough reviewers and no reviewer is overloaded with papers, each paper in should be assigned to reviewers and each reviewer in should receive no more than papers. An assignment is represented as a binary matrix in , where indicates that paper is assigned to reviewer . The main objective of paper assignment is usually to maximize the predicted match quality between reviewers and papers [2]. To characterize the matching quality, a similarity matrix in is commonly used [2-8]. Here, represents the predicted quality of a review by reviewer for paper and is generally computed from various sources [9], e.g., reviewer-selected bids and textual similarity between the paper and the reviewer’s past work [2, 10-13]. Then, the quality of an assignment can be defined as the total similarity of all assigned paper-reviewer pairs, i.e., One standard approach for computing a paper assignment is to maximize quality [2, 5-8, 14], i.e., to solve the following optimization problem:
The optimization above can be solved efficiently by linear programming and is widely used in practice. In fact, the default automatic assignment algorithm used in OpenReview is also based on this linear programming formulation and has been used for NeurIPS in past years.
Perturbed Maximization
While the deterministic maximum-quality assignment is the most common, there are strong reasons [1] to introduce randomness into paper assignment, i.e., to determine a probability distribution over feasible deterministic assignments and sample one assignment from the distribution. For example, one important reason is that randomization can help mitigate potential malicious behavior in the paper assignment process. Several computer science conferences have uncovered “collusion rings” of reviewers and authors [15-16], in which reviewers aim to get assigned to the authors’ papers in order to give them good reviews without considering their merits. Randomization can help break such collusion rings by making it harder for the colluding reviewers to get assigned to the papers they want. The randomness will also naturally increase reviewer diversity and enhance reviewer anonymity.
Perturbed Maximization (PM) [1] is a simple and effective algorithm that introduces randomness into paper assignment. Mathematically, PM solves a perturbed version of the optimization problem above, parameterized by a number and a perturbation function :
In this perturbed optimization, the variables are no longer binary but continuous in . This is because we changed the meaning of in the randomized assignment context: now represents the marginal probability that paper is assigned to reviewer . By constraining to be in , we ensure that each paper-reviewer pair has a probability of at most to be assigned to each other. This constraint is adopted from an earlier work on randomized paper assignment [17]. The perturbation function is a concave function that is used to penalize high values of , so that the probability mass is spread more evenly among the paper-reviewer pairs. The perturbation function can be chosen in various ways, and one simple option is , which makes the optimization concave and quadratic, allowing us to solve it efficiently.
After solving the optimization problem above, we obtain a probabilistic assignment matrix . To get the final assignment, we then sample according to the method in [17-18] to meet the marginal probabilities . The method is based on the Birkhoff-von Neumann theorem.
Since this is the first time we use a randomized algorithm for paper assignment at NeurIPS, the organizing committee decided to set the parameters so that the produced assignment is close in quality to the maximum-quality assignment, while introducing a moderate amount of randomness. Moreover, we introduced additional constraints to ensure that the randomization does not result in many low-quality assignments.
Similarity Computation of NeurIPS 2024
The similarity matrix of NeurIPS 2024 was computed from two sources: affinity scores and bids. The affinity scores were computed using a text similarity model comparing the paper’s text with the reviewer’s past work on OpenReview. The resulting affinity scores were normalized to be within . The bids were collected from reviewers during the bidding phase, where reviewers could bid on papers they are interested in reviewing at five levels: “Very High”, “High”, “Neutral”, “Low”, and “Very Low”. We mapped these bids to respectively. The final similarity matrix was computed as the sum of the normalized affinity scores and the mapped bids, resulting in a similarity matrix consisting of numbers in .
Additional Constraints for Restricting Low-Quality Assignments
One of the main concerns of paper assignment in large conferences like NeurIPS is the occurrence of low-quality assignments because the matching quality of any individual paper-reviewer pair significantly affects the relevance of both papers and reviewers. To mitigate this issue, we explicitly restrict the number of low-quality assignments. Specifically, we first solve another optimization problem without the perturbation function [17]:
Let the optimal solution of this problem be . We want to ensure that adding the perturbation function does not introduce additional low-quality assignments compared to . To achieve this, we set a set of thresholds . For each , we add constraints that our perturbed assignment should have at least the same number of assignments with quality above as , i.e.,
The thresholds were chosen to distinguish between different levels of quality. According to the similarity computation for NeurIPS 2024, matchings with quality above are “good” ones that either the reviewer has a high affinity score with the paper and bids positively on it, or the reviewer bids “Very High” on the paper; matchings with quality above are “moderate” ones that either the reviewer has a high affinity score with the paper or the reviewer bids positively on it; matchings with quality above are “acceptable” ones that the reviewer has a moderate affinity score with the paper and bids neutrally on it. By setting these thresholds, we limited the number of low-quality assignments introduced by the perturbation function.
Running the Algorithm
We integrated the Python implementation of PM into the OpenReview system, using Gurobi [19] as the solver for the concave optimization. However, since the number of papers and reviewers in NeurIPS 2024 is too large, we could not directly use OpenReview’s computing resources to solve the assignment in early 2024. Instead, we ran the algorithm on a local server with anonymized data. The assignment was then uploaded to OpenReview for further processing, such as manual adjustments by the program committee. We ran four different parameter settings of PM and sampled three assignments from each setting. Each parameter setting took around 4 hours to run on a server with 112 cores, using peak memory of around 350GB. The final assignment was chosen by the program committee based on the computed statistics of the assignments. The final deployed assignment came from the parameter setting where and . The maximum number of papers each reviewer can review was set to .
Analysis of The Deployed Assignment
How did the assignment turn out? We analyzed various statistics of the assignment, including the aggregate scores, affinity scores, reviewer bids, reviewer load, and reviewer confidence in the review process. We also compared the statistics across different subject areas. Here are the results.
Aggregate Scores
The deployed assignment achieved an average aggregate score of and a median of . Recall from the computation of the similarity matrix, this means the majority of the assignments are of very high quality, with high affinity scores and “Very High” bids. Additionally, we note that every single matched paper-reviewer pair has an aggregate score above , which means that each assigned pair is at least a “moderate” match. In addition, we see no statistical difference in the aggregate score across different subject areas, despite the varying sizes of different areas.
Affinity Scores
Since the aggregate score is the sum of the affinity score based on text similarity and the converted reviewer bids, we also checked the distribution of these two key scores. The deployed assignment achieved high affinity scores, with an average of and a median of . Note that there are also some matched pairs with zero affinity scores. These pairs are matched because the reviewers bid “Very High” on the papers, which results in an aggregate score of . Therefore, we still prioritize these pairs over those with positive affinity scores but neutral or negative bids.
Reviewer Bids
For reviewer bids, we see that most of the assigned pairs have “Very High” bids from the reviewers, with the majority of the rest having “High” bids. Moreover, not a single pair has a negative bid. This indicates that reviewers are generally interested in the papers they are assigned to. Note that although we default missing bids to “Neutral”, the number of matched pairs with “Missing” bids is larger than that of pairs with “Neutral” bids. This is because if a reviewer submitted their bids, they are most likely assigned to the papers they bid positively on. The matched pairs with “Missing” bids are usually those where reviewers did not submit their bids, and the assignment for them was purely based on the affinity scores.
Reviewer Load
If we distribute the reviewer load evenly, reviewers should be assigned to an average of papers. However, as the assignment algorithm aims for high-quality assignments, the majority of reviewers were assigned to papers, the limit we set for reviewers.
Nevertheless, some reviewers in the pool are not assigned to any papers or are assigned to only one paper. After analyzing the data more carefully, we found that most of these reviewers either had no known affinity scores with the papers (mostly because they did not have any past work on OpenReview) or did not submit their bids. Moreover, there are even reviewers who had neither affinity scores nor bids. Therefore, it is hard for the algorithm to find good matches for them.
We suggest that reviewers submit their bids and provide more information about their past work to help the algorithm find better matches for them.
While the reviewer load distribution for each subject area generally follows the overall distribution, we note that some subject areas, like Bandits, have a notably higher number of papers assigned to each reviewer. In fact, most reviewers in the Bandits area were assigned to papers. This indicates that for these areas, we will need to work harder to recruit more reviewers in future conferences.
Reviewer Confidence
In the review process, reviewers were asked to provide their confidence in their reviews on a scale from to . The distribution of reviewer confidence is shown below. Here, a confidence of means that the matched pair was adjusted manually by the area chairs, and a confidence of means that the reviewer did not submit their review. We can see that among the pairs where the reviewer completed the review, most matched pairs have a confidence of or higher. This indicates that reviewers are generally confident in their reviews.
On a side note, we found that reviewer confidence is generally lower for theoretical areas like Algorithmic Game Theory, Bandits, Causal Inference, and Learning Theory, while it is higher for other areas. It is hard to explain this phenomenon exactly, but we think this might be because the difficulty of reviewing papers in theoretical areas is generally higher, leading reviewers to be more cautious in their reviews.
Comparison with the Default Algorithm
Besides analyzing the deployed assignment, it is also natural to ask how the new algorithm PM compares to the default algorithm used in OpenReview. To answer this question, we ran the default algorithm on the same data and compared the resulting assignment with the deployed assignment. Below, we show the comparison with the default algorithm in aggregate scores, reviewer bids, and reviewer load.
Aggregate Scores
In terms of aggregate scores, the default algorithm achieved an average of , while PM achieved an average of , which is about of that of the default algorithm. Note that the default algorithm is optimal in quality, so any other algorithm will have a lower quality, and the difference is expected.
Reviewer Bids
How do the sampled assignments resulting from the new algorithm differ from the default one? Here we show the distribution of reviewer bids in the default assignment, the overlap between the optimal deterministic assignment and the deployed assignment, and the overlap between the optimal deterministic assignment and three sampled assignments from PM. As seen in the following figure, a non-negligible number of matched pairs have changed from the default assignment to the deployed assignment, and over half of the matched pairs would be different in three samples from PM. This indicates that PM introduces a good amount of randomness into the assignment, increasing robustness against malicious behavior while incurring only a small loss in matching quality.
Reviewer Load
Another side benefit of PM is that it can help distribute the reviewer load more evenly. In the following figure, we show the distribution of reviewer load in the optimal deterministic assignment and the deployed assignment. We can see that both the number of reviewers assigned to papers and the number of reviewers assigned to papers are reduced in the deployed assignment compared to the optimal one. To ensure an even more balanced reviewer load, additional constraints on the minimum number of papers per reviewer could be added in the future.
In this post, we introduced the paper assignment algorithm used for NeurIPS 2024 and explained how we implemented it. We analyzed the results of the assignment and compared it with the default algorithm used in OpenReview. We found that the assignment produced by the new algorithm achieved high-quality matches, with a good amount of randomness introduced into the assignment, increasing robustness against malicious behavior as well as enhancing reviewer diversity and anonymity. In future conferences, we suggest that reviewers submit their bids and provide more information about their past work to help the algorithm find better matches for them.
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