Updates from the Program Chairs
by Alekh Agarwal, Alice Oh, Danielle Belgrave, and Kyunghyun Cho
With huge thanks to our reviewers, area chairs, and senior area chairs, we released the preliminary reviews for the technical program on July 26. Authors can log into their OpenReview accounts to read the reviews. Here are some numbers as of July 26:
- 9,634 full submissions
- 35,155 reviews
- 10,406 reviewers
- 742 area chairs
- 82 senior area chairs
From now until the author notification on September 14, the submissions will go through the following process:
- Author rebuttals until Aug 2
- Author-reviewer discussions until Aug 9
- Reviewer-AC discussions until Aug 19
- AC-SAC-PC discussions and decision making by Sept 14
If you have questions about the rebuttal and discussion process, please first check the Author FAQ page (often updated with new questions). You may also find the following pages helpful. Questions about specific submissions should be asked on the OpenReview forum for that submission.
- Author FAQ page
- Reviewer Guidelines and the linked FAQ page
- Area Chair Guidelines and the linked FAQ page
- Senior Area Chair Guidelines
We again thank the reviewers, area chairs, and senior area chairs for the many days and hours that they already put in and many more to come, all voluntarily to serve our community. Without their dedication and hard work, we could not have reviewed the over 10,000 submissions we originally received. We also thank the authors of those 10,000+ papers for submitting their best work to NeurIPS. We know that many of the authors are anxious throughout this time-consuming and arduous process. Please stay positive and respectful of everyone’s time and effort. We will try our best to curate the best technical program for NeurIPS 2022, and we hope to see you in November in New Orleans and virtually in December.